Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Last year I read a couple articles here and here. Now, if you do a little research it is easy to find lots of people saying this is not a great idea, that the study is misleading, etc, etc. However (Alert - TMI - Alert)BC makes me insane and nobody really cares for condoms, do they? We're married, happy together and want to have kids. If something happened, the timing wouldn't be perfect but we would be happy. BUT what really surprised me was a recent conversation with some college friends. None of them are in long term or serious relationships, they get all twitchy talking about marriage, kids, etc. And not a single one of them are using any kind of birth control other then pulling out. These are all educated, intelligent women - so why aren't they doing what every health class and public service announcement advocates?

Some are like me, they don't like condoms or the Pill. Others are more hippy dippy and don't like taking synthetic hormones. Although I am making the same choice they are, it seems so easy to judge. Many are still in school, or working part time, low paying jobs. They don't want kids for 5-10 years yet are doing something that seems so risky - maybe even irresponsible?

Bottom line - I worry about them, a little because I think they are courting an unwanted pregnancy, but mostly because they are eschewing even the attempt to prevent STDs.

On a less controversial note, here is my leaning tower of German Chocolate Cake that I made this weeked. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, interesting topic! I totally agree with you: it's one thing to use a less-certain method if it's okay if it fails, and it's another thing entirely to use it when it's NOT okay if it fails.
